Desperate to save his marriage, Boyd admits to Janae he did have an affair with Glenn, but it was purely a physical thing. Janae’s gutted but clings to hope, especially knowing that Glenn intends to return home.But Elle urges Glenn to stay in Erinsborough and fight for the man she loves. The issue is finally brought to a head when Glenn presses Boyd for the truth. Boyd is forced to come clean and admits to Janae he still has feelings for Glenn. Does this spell the end of their marriage? Readying himself for his first international flight, Lou realises Harold has enough on his plate and tries to use this as an excuse to back out but Lolly makes him see sense. Lou comes up with the perfect solution, announcing Sandy will come to look after Lolly. Ringo is sole witness to Lolly’s horror and forces her to come clean. Shocked by the tale of her Stepmother’s abuse, Ringo urges her to tell Lou. But Lolly is determined to deal with the problem her way…Karl and Susan prepare to jet off to London, unaware that Bonzair’s dodgy booking system has left them both without seats on the plane. Susan takes her anger out on both Karl and Lou, who’s developed an anxiety twitch. After a major dressing down in the airport restroom, they return home with Karl in the doghouse. Eventually he makes up for his stuff up by shaving off his beard.Bree penetrates Rachel’s façade by accurately claiming she’s got the hots for Ringo. As much as Rachel tries to protest, Bree know’s she’s right on the money..

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