Anna Jones has teamed up with Quaker Oats to celebrate the start of #PorridgeSeason by creating this delicious recipe which reflects the porridge trends of 2016. Check them out @QuakerOatsUK or visit

Vegan Blackberry and Chocolate Porridge

Vegan Blackberry and Chocolate Porridge


For the porridge:

80g Quaker Oats

600ml milk of your choice

a pinch of sea salt

1 teaspoons of raw cacao (more if using regular cocoa)

a pinch of cinnamon

For the blackberries:

150g blackberries (can use frozen)

1 tablespoons of maple syrup

a squeeze of lemon


fresh blackberries, halved

1/4 finely chopped apple (in sticks)

1 tablespoons of almond butter

1 teaspoon chopped almonds


  1. First make the blackberry topping; simmer the blackberries with the maple syrup until sticky and thickened, this will take about 10 minutes, longer if you are using frozen blackberries.
  2. Place all the porridge ingredients into a pan and cook for 5-8 minutes until the Quaker Oats come together.
  3. Top the porridge with the blackberries, apple, almond butter and chopped almonds.

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