Over 30 years ago, Fifi, a bear cub, arrived at a Pennsylvania roadside zoo.

Vegan on Female First

Vegan on Female First

For the first few years of her life, she was forced to perform confusing tricks, like standing on her hind legs along with the other bears.

The zoo closed its doors for the last time over 20 years ago but Fifi was left in a tiny cage that had only a doghouse in it to shelter her from the weather.

She was thin, her coat had dulled her environment was filthy and she was suffering from arthritis that had been left untreated. Whenever she walked, it was a struggle for Fifi. In July 2015, PETA and The Wild Animal Sanctuary went to rescue her. She was taken to the Colorado facility, where she finally received medical care and the vast habitat that she deserved. After five months at her new home, she increased in size, her coat grew fuller and her legs are less painful every day. Fifi has also been able to hibernate for the first time in her life in her new comfortable den.

For more information go to www.peta.org.

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