When a serial killer utters the same words as a carnivore does- it sounds far from normal- let's see if you agree...

Vegan on Female First

Vegan on Female First

If it makes you feel any better- I don't kill people on Mondays!


'Relax- people have been killing people for thousands of years!'


'God made people for people to kill…'


'I tried not killing people for a while, but I just couldn't do it- but I feel good that I tried!'


'If I didn't kill people-, the human population would take over the earth!'


'You'd probably be happier if you killed people and you would have more energy…'


'It's not murder- it's slaughter- they are two very different things!'


'Why do you worry so much about me killing people- why not the economy?'


'Our hands were made to strangle people- it's evolution- that's why we have thumbs- to crush the windpipe!'


'If we weren't meant to kill people, why do I feel so good when I do it?'


'You don't kill people? Good- more for me!'


'What if I put you in a slightly bigger room- would that make you feel better?'


'Lions kill other lions- it's nature…'


'I thank people before I kill them- so it's fine!'


by for www.femalefirst.co.uk
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