I thought this was the perfect way to start my day today as I had some very fatty pastry and oily homemade chips for my tea last night. I had really bad tummy gripes this morning- so I felt I needed to be kinder to my body today- starting with what I put in it.

Pack’d Detox Smoothie

Pack’d Detox Smoothie

This pack contains pineapple, apple, spinach, kale, ginger, lemon zest, spirulina, chlorella, wheatgrass and barleygrass. I added some apple juice, blended it in my Nutribullet and it was ready in just a couple of minutes. Perfect for take to work in a large cup to drink steadily through the morning.

I have to be honest- I'm not the biggest fan of ginger, however it gave this smoothie a real kick and I may be converted to using this in smoothies I make in future. It was just enough and wasn't overbearing.

Within just an hour or so, my tummy gripes were gone and I could tell my body was thanking me for giving it something that was both easy to digest and easily recognisable to my system. Everyone tells you that superfoods are good for you- but it can be tricky to know what goes with well with what- but this pack has the right amounts of everything in the fruit pouch and in the sachet. In the past, when have made something up that didn't taste great, I threw it away. With this- you know the combination will be good so you don't have to worry about wastage or measuring out amounts. The complicated bit is done for you.

I love frozen over fresh fruit too because I never seem to eat the fresh stuff fast enough and it often goes in the bin. With these pouches, you can eat them every day or alternate days or as a healthy treat after the gym and they won't go off. No wastage, no spoiling, no fuss.

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