Fennel is a fantastic vegetable, which massively aids in digestion. Fennel has an incredibly high content of dietary fibre, which helps reduce flatulence and constipation. We all know dietary fibre is important, but the vast majority of us don't know why. Dietary fibre is unable to be digested and broken down in the same way most foods are when they pass through the stomach and small intestine- reaching our large intestine comparatively in tact. The microbes in our large intestine (referred to as our "gut flora") love this, and snack on it. If you want to keep your microbiome happy, fennel in as many forms will go a long way to helping!

Pickled Spicy Fennel

Pickled Spicy Fennel

-4 medium fennel, washed & finely sliced

-500g Sarson's malt pickling vinegar

-60g sugar

-1tbsp chili flakes (ancho chilies are less hot & more fruity, where habanero flakes pack one hell of a punch!)

-sea salt

Add the fennel to a bowl and toss with enough sea salt to ensure a light, even covering. Leave for a minimum of 1 hour.

Place the vinegar in a pan with the sugar and chili flakes. Bring to a gentle simmer, remove from the heat and allow to cool to room temperature.

Drain the excess liquid from the base of the fennel bowl. Pack the fennel into a sterilized Kilner and cover with the vinegar. Seal and leave for a week before serving.

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