I first came across Violife Original Slices in Holland and Barrett. They were a little pricey at £2.99 for ten, compared to my partner's supermarket selection; however it's the only vegan cheese I've found that contains no soya so I had to try it.

Violife Original Slices

Violife Original Slices

The slices have a mild taste to them so they don't overbear whatever you have with them and they look and smell like cheese so they would fool an unsuspecting diner.

I enjoy vegan burgers with fries as a treat so I was overjoyed when I was able to make them even more exciting by adding on a cheese slice just like old times. It wilts a little against the heat but still keeps it's shape so fits snugly around a burger patty inside the bun just as dairy cheese would.

I have also found them to be really tasty in a sandwich with some tomato too- great for lunch times and it takes no time at all to prepare.

The slices have a really long shelf life on them, I have had a pack in my fridge for a few weeks now and they are still as fresh as when I first bought them.

The fat and calorie content is pretty much the same as a dairy-based cheese slice so they are no healthier, so I would suggest keeping them for a treat, as you would cheese made from cow's milk.

Overall, I am really impressed with this vegan cheese and have bought many packs since I discovered it. Great for vegans who are allergic or sensitive to soya like I am and for vegans who don't have graters or hate having to get theirs out!

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