Today is National Nutty Fudge Day and you may or may not know that traditional fudge is made from a combination of sugar, butter and milk.

Vegan on Female First

Vegan on Female First

Before you bite into a piece- take a look at what cows have to go through in order to make the ingredients for this particular type of sweet treat.

This habitual trip to the grocery store shows this cartoon man the whole truth behind milk.

The reality is- cows make milk for exactly the same reasons that humans do- to keep their young fit and healthy. In order for cows to produce milk regularly- they are impregnated via artificial insemination by factory farm operators every year.

Calves are often stolen from their mothers within just a few days of being born- whether you're a mother or not- you can probably imagine how traumatising this is for both mother and baby.

Male calves are sent to tiny crates where they are overfed for their flesh and the female calves will have the same bleak future as their mothers.

After their babies are taken away form them, mothers are connected to milking machines many times over the course of day and are forced to give four and a half times more milk than they would normally.

Cows usually live around 25 years but in the dairy industry, their life span is about 4-5 year before they are sent to slaughter. When they are deemed to be 'spent' they are killed for animal food, soups or low quality hamburger meat.

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