All of your friends and family will become qualified nutritionists- Even if they have the worst diet in the world- they'll still worry about where you're getting your protein from. So make sure you have an answer for it and that you are indeed getting enough.

Vegan on Female First

Vegan on Female First

You will poop a whole lot more- With all that fibre you're eating- things are bound to happen more frequently in the bathroom department so don't be alarmed.

Most of your products won't be cruelty free- When you go online- you'll find that the majority of the things you use to wash your body and hair, style your hair with, wash your clothes in, clean your dishes, windows and home with and put on your face are tested on animals. Lucky for you there is such a thing as Superdrug, Lush, Astonish, Tesco and Sainsbury's own brand as well as many other products to switch to that haven't caused suffering to animals.

You will need a bigger bag- To carry around emergency food in so you don't feel left out at the cinema or the coffee shop or at snack time. If you're prepared- you won't be the odd one out- or indeed feel the need to cheat or go hungry.

You will probably own some clothes that are made from animals- Check for leather shoes, your woolly winter jumpers, silk scarves, angora sweaters and leather bags and purses. The damage has already been done so you might as well wear them out- but remember to choose more compassionately next time you go shopping.

You have to do your research before going out to dinner- To figure out if you can eat anything from the menu or if you can combine a few sides to make a meal. If not you may have to suggest another restaurant to your family and friends.

Milk is in everything!- The biggest surprise for me was that it's in some crisps- so watch out and read the label before eating anything.

You'll constantly have to check labels- Leading on from the previous point- animal products crop up in the unlikeliest of places so you have to become a savvy shopper.

You'll spend much longer in the supermarket- As a result of your label checking you'll spend more time going up and down the aisles to find suitable foods.

You have to say 'no' a lot- People will inevitably offer you a crisp, a square of chocolate, a piece of cake, a biscuit, a milky coffee or tea or a sandwich with butter and mayo so you have to learn how to use the 'no' word more often.

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