PETA has just received the joyous news that the Toro de le Vega 'Festival' has now been banned by the regional government in Spain.

Vegan on Female First

Vegan on Female First

Traditionally, a bull was pursued and stabbed to death by men on foot and horseback in the September 'celebrations' in Castilla y Leon, Spain.

The event involves a young bull being chased through the streets of Tordesilas before it's stabbed with darts and spears until it is bleeding and unable to move. His tail is then cut of while he's still conscious and when he dies, the person who has given him his last blow is awarded with a ceremonial spear and a medal by the city council.

PETA, along with tens of thousands of compassionate people along with local Spanish groups have been protesting against this for years. Finally, all their hard work has paid off. This is forming part of a wider movement in Spain as more and more people turn against bullfighting and bull runs. Until now- over 100 towns have banned these events and an increasing number of people are starting to realise the cruelty of their traditions.

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