By Kate Arnold 

Vegan on Female First

Vegan on Female First 

Although many pick a vegan diet to up their health levels, Christmas can still be a time of overindulgence with all those parties and social gatherings where you might eat and drink more than normal. This can take a toll on your whole body, overloading your digestive system and making you feel sluggish and constipated, especially if you’ve eaten food that’s slightly richer, more salty or sweet than you’re used to.

Luckily there are loads of vegan foods to help you get your health back on track so your gut is working at its best, and you’re feeling full of energy to take on the New Year.

One of the best things you can do is make sure you’re eating foods high in protein and some good fats that fill you up and mean you’re less likely to want to snack on unhealthy things throughout the day.

Here are my top ten ‘hero’ foods to make sure you’re eating in the New Year.

  1. Almonds – one of the most versatile vegan foods and high in protein. A perfect filling snack, great chopped up in yoghurt, or in milk form as a fab alternative to dairy.
  2. Pumpkin seeds – a good source of protein, and nearly half the recommended daily amount of magnesium, which helps with normal muscle and nerve function, among other benefits. Snack on a handful, or sprinkle on yoghurt or salads for a nice crunchy texture. 
  3. Quinoa – one of the most protein-rich foods available. A great base for a salad: try adding chickpeas, olives, rocket and soy cheese for a satisfying and healthy meal.
  4. Tofu – full of protein, iron and calcium, as well as other vitamins and minerals. Marinated tofu is full of flavour and has a firm, almost meat-y texture – ideal for those still getting used to the vegan diet. Use it in a stir fry, sandwich or salad. The creamy texture of silken tofu also makes it great for desserts.
  5. Dark green leafy vegetables – kale, cavolo nero, chard and collard greens are health heroes: high in magnesium, iron and calcium, and great to help keep your bowels moving.
  6. Flaxseeds – a fantastic source of essential omega-3 fatty acids – vital for people not eating fish – and high in fibre to help make your bowel movements regular. Try ground flaxseeds sprinkled over porridge or cereal, or add to homemade cereal bars, bread or flapjacks.
  7. Pulses – one of the mainstays of the vegan diet as they’re really high in protein and other nutrients, contain both soluble and insoluble fibre so help promote regular bowels, and are so versatile. Use chickpeas to make your own hummus, add lentils to thicken up soups, or use cooked beans cold in salads.
  8. Oats – particularly rich in soluble fibre. Perfect for breakfast, or a great, quick dessert option with a low glycaemic index so your blood sugar levels stay more stable and you feel fuller for longer.      
  9. Peanut butter – great protein-rich addition to breakfasts or as a snack on a cracker. Also contains other nutrients that may promote good heart health.
  10. Brown rice – make the easy switch from white to brown rice for a lower glycaemic meal base, and enjoy the nutty flavour and extra vitamins and minerals you’re getting too.

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