recipe created by nutritionist Kyla Williams for Russell Hobbs

The Immune Booster

The Immune Booster

With colour on our priority list when it comes to giving your immune system a boost and your liver a helping hand in detoxifying, this blend of colourful fruits and vegetables will be an absolute treat for your health.

Step 1 - Juice:

  • 1 red pepper
  • 2 beetroots
  • 3 carrots

Step 2 - Press:

  • ½ lemon

Step 3 - Blend:

  • 4 strawberries

This colourful array of fruit and vegetables will flush your body full of antioxidants. It may seem impossible to eat this many portions of vegetables at the dinner table, but when juiced, you can easily extract a huge amount of nutrients.

Peppers are one of the highest sources of vitamin C, so if you want to keep your immune system strong, it's always good to pack a whole pepper into your juice. Next up are carrots, which are not so tasty when blended, but perfect to juice. There's reason to the old wives' tale that carrots help us to see in the dark too, with the vibrant orange colour coming from beta carotene which supports your eye health. Beetroot gives an impressive colour to your juice, and this is down to unique purple antioxidants called anthocyanins.

A squeeze of zesty lemon is a perfect accomplishment to the deep flavours of root vegetables to bring in a sense of light freshness. Lastly, soft strawberries are perfect for blending; they are packed with vitamin C and give a fruity flavour to lightly sweeten your nourishing smoothie.

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