Tayo Irvine Hendrix

Tayo Irvine Hendrix

Spring has arrived at last! It is the time of year when we should all brush out the old and sweep in a new lease of life for us. Remember our homes are a reflection of our lives if your home is cluttered your life is probably cluttered too. If you take time to clear what is no longer needed in your home, car and personal surroundings, the same will happen in your life.

Did you know that it really is as simple as that...Clutter creates stuck, stagnant, negative energy and this energy hangs around the atmosphere. You absorb the energy and that 'negative' energy has a negative effect on your mind, body and emotional being. Everything in your life is impacted by the energy that surrounds you. If that energy is negative so is your life. 

Feeling "stuck" with  your life going nowhere fast? Clearing the clutter clears the energy around you and the effect can be quite startling in terms of what your energy level does and what happens in and around your life after a clutter clearing session.  In no time you will find you have a purpose once again, and you have direction in your life again.  It is a great way to get your life back in balance with itself and all this by simply clearing out those cupboards, drawers, piles of paper and one very important little house you carry with  your everywhere the handbag. 

De-clutter You:
- Makeup bags - throw away old and tired make up.
- Handbags - tip it out throw it out.
- Purse - 1 photograph... surely you remember what they look like without photos. If you must carry photos limit it to one it is so yesterday.

De-clutter Your Car:
- Glove compartment in your car - get rid of receipts and ten year old sweets.
- Clean your car thoroughly and rub some scented oils over those smelly carpets  whilst you're at it.
- Get into your garage if it is stuffed with everything but the car - remove 40% and hold a garage sale or boot fair if you have to.

De-clutter Your Home:
- Clear those clothes you are keeping "just in case" you get back to a size 12 - pass to charity shop.
- Clear that pile of magazines and newspapers - pass to local surgery.
- Clear those removal boxes that haven't been opened yet - pass to charity shop or surgery.
- Clear draws and cupboards that are over flowing - remover 40% pass to charity shops.
- Throw away chipped and broken crockery and ornaments. - pass to dustbin.
- Get into that corner and sort the piles of papers waiting to be "sorted" - file away or throw away.

Happy Spring time to you all.