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Get Published on Female First

Cosmic oceans, so many words (10 to the power of what?).

Pick, choose, juggle and rearrange: all been said before, has it not?

Change the world, Illumination Inc. Hardly, darkness dwells too deep –

hidden depths of duplicity, arrogance and hate. Those who dwell within never sleep.

They too select. Sift and sort words to justify, dissemble and distend.

Smorgasbord, banquet, elevation to the high table; Reason is not its own end.

Who and how to define “enemy”, “friend” – Are the two mutually exclusive?

Fuzzy logic, or a long straight line? Hold on the pain, or choose to forgive?

Is self-justification the game? I hope not. Too restrictive, a self-built illusion of might?

Delusions of grandeur, seeds of Hubris, all have one purpose, to shut out the light.

Intolerance demands focus, exclusion of all other; a resolute blindness, need to be right!

No room for doubt. Takes too much energy to stoke the fires of revenge and unrequited spite.

Never questioning, what is there to gain? Basic electrical theory: like attracts unlike?

It might seem so, in life. I do not believe so. Negativity feeds on negativity. Light suffuses light.

We are, it might seem. The nett total of who, what and how we believe ourselves to be;

The world an incomplete jigsaw puzzle of what we want it to perceive.

We aren’t talking pictures, more like mirrors built we build to reflect what we want to see.

Plato’s Myth of the Cave, shackled to a bench; watching shadows on the wall;

reflections of a reality that is not entirely of our own making. Accept or deny?

One, I suggest, makes a choice: embrace captivity or struggle to be free.

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