Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

Tell me, how deep is your analysis, what does it mean?

To fix an event, a concept into tradition or lexicon, of what:

Philosophy, Religion, Politics, Literature (how about Pedagogy)?

Will it feed me, place a roof over my head?


Save your excuses, your "purity of knowledge".

Did you and yours intervene, stand firm in the face of tyranny,

or drown in liquid death, words of deceit; the promise of security?

Semantics be damned; if a thing is important it as important for us all.


Yes, variations of interpretation are all very fine;

do they facilitate social revolution, individual and collective freedom?

The iron fist of Might cares not a jot. You are either useful or you are not.

I do not resent your freedom to explore the limitations of understanding, or beyond.


I am envious, to have time to devote to the theoretical, beyond the mundane;

to explore the limits of understanding, of what lies beyond.

It is not the model of free market, I embrace; or socialist utopian ideals. Both are flawed,

change the environment, change behaviour, change the man.


Nonsense! Intent and motivation are more complex,

shaded by history, culture and ambition. Squeeze a pig,

make it squeal, drool out its well practiced litany of lies.

It is not your arcane use of language I despise.


To the contrary, it has a forbidden fascination.

Speak not to me of "rags to riches"; examples there are few.

Learning in the higher realms is still the domain of the wealthy.

Money rules, knowledge is power; we need something to aid the healthy.

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