Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

Many a fair maiden has known you

they are enamored by your gentle facade;

the peaceful

calming nature

the solace and serenity you offer.

And then you bed them quickly and

quietly you move on.

But I am curious.

I purposely walked down those

damp stairs

walls covered with moss

passages covered in cobwebs

and came to a rusted door.

It was old and forbidding

guarding an ancient secret

a tomb where disaster lay trapped.

Yet, foolishly, I took the key from around my neck

turned the rusted lock

and yanked the door open.

The tomb:

ominous in smell and sound

dark and foreboding

fear clutched my heart

as I had seen the beast.

You are the dragon of old.

Hypnotized by your eyes,

captivated by your spell,

I entered your locked sanctuary.

With one eye smiling

and the other mocking me

you commanded me to break your chains

as only one with a pure heart could break your enchantment.

I foolishly freed you, as I could do no other.

You flew about the room, shattering flickering torches

and shredding old webs

as you gained strength

in your sleepy sinews and tendons

stretching and exercising your muscles

you gained power and momentum.

Roaring fiercely,

you flew up and out the tower window.

Perched on a parapet,

you blew fire and smoke to all those below.

You roared again

renewed and free.

Below, I lay trembling in fear, what had I done?

You returned to your prison

plucked me from my fetal position

and flew out of the tower

with me firmly fixed in your claws.

To the highest mountain top,

we soared on the wind,

defiling towns in your wake,

with your fiery breath.

You dropped me on a snowy cleft in the mountain

and soared around raging and spitting fire,

melting the snow,

Turning lush pines into cinder sticks,

you landed beside me.

Using your powerful limbs,

you approached your childish rescuer,

as she lay trembling in fear

and devoured her.