Author Jessica Jones opens up in an exclusive piece for Female First
Author Jessica Jones opens up in an exclusive piece for Female First

To celebrate the release of her new book, Own It: How to Build Confidence, Completely Love Yourself and Embrace Your Body, we asked author Jessica Jones to open up in an exclusive piece for Female First.

Here, she tells us her 'seven things' that she'd like readers to know about her...

1. I haven’t always been confident. I was often perceived to be but really I was distracting away from deep insecurities and a constant need to be validated and liked. My perceived confidence was all for show but now? Total different ball game!

2. I am a mum of seven, four human children, one dog and two cats! With kids between the ages of nine years and nine weeks and three fur babies, I never really planned to have such a big household but here we are! It is pure chaos but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

3. I have worked in recruitment for over a decade. Still working and currently specialising in diversity and inclusion, I adore what I do and actually believe confidence plays a huge part in landing your dream job and career, sometimes more so than actually having the experience.

4. I have a deep and completely irrational fear of spiders! I once slept in my car because there was a spider in my room and I had no one home to come and get rid of it for me. No matter what I try I cannot shift the fear – no matter how tiny I just cannot cope with them at all!

5. I am a massive book worm. I adore reading and have done since I was a little girl. Head in a book was a constant state for me growing up and nothing has changed, now becoming an author and knowing people will have their head stuck in my book, is an absolute dream come true!

6. My social media career started as a diet and weight loss page. I discuss this more in my book but I was deep in diet culture and had to go on a huge journey of understanding to realise my joy, abundance and greatness in life wasn’t going to come when I hit my target weight but when I decided here and now, no matter what the scales said.

7. I wrote, performed and took a one woman show on tour. I always loved the stage and am a huge fan of musicals (but don’t have the skills) but I do and can, make people laugh so I decided to write a motivational comedy show and took it on tour! It was a huge success and I am currently writing a second.

Own It: How to Build Confidence, Completely Love Yourself and Embrace Your Body by Jessica Jones (Welbeck, £12.99), is available now.

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