Babies-Go CDs

Babies-Go CDs

Babies-Go CDs cleverly re-create the classic tracks we’ve all grown to know and love, from artists  ranging from Abba to The Rolling Stones to Take That, as lullaby-style recordings.

Not only do the simple melodies appeal to children, adults will find tasteful re-creations of tracks they know in a  familiar yet wonderfully enjoyable way.

And we have some copies of Babies Go ABBA to give away in a competition here

Each Babies-Go title contains 13 or 14 full length hit tracks from the respective artist and takes a full month to re-create, following the exact arrangement of the original tracks but re-creating them entirely using only musical instruments whose generating tones have a calming and appealing feel to babies and young toddlers.

Each track is meticulously made to a very high standard providing a delightful ‘homage’ to the original track. 

Take a look at all the CDs on offer at the Babies Go website