Do one of these thing each day to bring a little youth to your life

Do one of these thing each day to bring a little youth to your life

January is usually about the detox but what about doing something each day to make you feel younger and happier?

evian have been workin with UCL psychologist Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic to create a list of 31 simple actions we can all perform to bring a little youth to our lives. 

The list was created after our research found that 40% of us think the secret to happiness is feeling young.

Try one thing out each day and make sure that the January Blues don't get hold of you. 

31 Ways to Live young

1.       Spot shapes from the clouds

It is hard to avoid thinking of something unless we manage to engage our attention on something else. This exercise will relax you and help increase your creativity. Carefree creativity is a great way to feel young and combat stress.

2.       Dance like no one is watching

Everybody can dance (to the point that they enjoy it themselves!) but our inhibitions usually get in the way. Dancing is a quick and free way to let go and enjoy yourself! Like singing or playing a musical instrument, dancing creates happy mood states by releasing norepinephrine (a brain chemical that makes us feel good) and it’s a great way to stop caring what others think!

3.       Play on the swings to your heart’s content

Swings are typically for children but evian has made it legitimate to play with the swing as adults! This effortless physical activity is fun and will ensure that you don't take yourself too seriously.

4. Let your imagination run wild by reading your favourite childhood book

Re-living movies or books we enjoyed when we were younger replicates the same emotions and thoughts we had then. It is an excellent way to let your imagination run wild!

5. Start a fancy dress box at home

Be prepared for every party by collecting items that make you smile. Wearing fancy dress is a great way to be carefree and to relax and enjoy yourself.

6. Play rock paper scissors to make a decision

This is also an innocent way to exercise our competitive drives (as opposed to actually arguing or fighting with people!). It also is a great way to remind yourself not to take life too seriously.

7. Race someone up the stairs

A simple activity that releases endorphins is guaranteed to make you both laugh. 

8. Make someone smile by wishing them a Happy New Year

Exchanging a greeting with a stranger is the simplest way to bring happiness to both of your days.

9. Seesaw as high as you can go

Release your inhibitions by having fun with a friend and laughing uncontrollably on a pink see saw made for adults!

10. Sing your favourite song at the top of your lungs

Humour is the best antidote to stress so let go of your self-consciousness and release all of your negative energy!

11. Enjoy a midnight feast. 

Allow yourself to be naughty every once in a while by enjoying a midnight snack! It is also an opportunity to exercise a little rebellion.

12. Sleep upside down for a change!

Breaking habits and doing things in a slightly different way helps our minds be more inquisitive.

13. Organise a giant snowball fight with friends

It is an innocent way to be naughty and your humour will be contagious. You are as old as your behaviour suggests so acting in a youthful way will make you feel younger.

14. Cook something you weren’t allowed to eat as a child

Eating treats is a great way to feel cheeky through evoking memories of childhood rebellion. It is also a celebration of being an adult and being able to do whatever you want!

15. Go outside and make snow angels

Playing with snow can revive happy childhood memories and make you feel young!

16. Don’t avoid all the puddles on the way home, let go and jump in one!

Both amusing and playful you can’t help but smile when you jump in a puddle – this carefree action stops us from taking ourselves too seriously and helps us put things into perspective!

17. Make a den with your sheets and watch your favourite movie from inside

Happy movies help the brain release dopamine neurotransmitters which create a sense of wellbeing and reduce stress helping you let go and enjoy yourself!

18. Avoid all the cracks in the pavement on the way to work

Indulge in superstitions by setting challenges that you used to enjoy as a child. These make us feel proud of the everyday and are an easy way to boost adrenaline!

19. Make your long car journey shorter by playing games

Replacing boredom with simple fun activities allows us to live life to the full, encourages us to smile and laugh and also allows us to express ourselves.

20. Invite your friends round for a pyjama party

This is a great way to re-live one of the most fun activities we have as children!

21. Write your partner a note on a banana and sneak it into their work bag

Surprise someone through your mischievous inner youth by expressing your feelings through food!

22. Run as fast as you can down a hill

Being young is about living life to the full and not worrying about the consequences, running as fast as you can is cathartic and fun.

23. Have an ‘indoor picnic’ - eat your next meal sitting on the floor

The older we are the more determined we are to avoid change, even with simple things like where we eat. Although you cannot change your biological age, you can re-awaken your sense of wonder and change your habits – and sitting on the floor will keep your exploration instincts young!

24. Draw someone a picture in a steamed up mirror

The magic of writing messages that will disappear is a spontaneous way to make someone else smile and bring out your inner youth.

25. Visit a spot you used to love as a child

Seeing, smelling and touching a place you loved in the past will remind you of what you used to be like and of those things that you used to enjoy.

26. Tube surf on the way to work!

You can’t change the fact you need to be at work in the morning but you can change your mindset. Taking a new route will give a different perspective on your whole day.

27. Experiment; make yourself a meal from what’s in your cupboard

Breaking away from your habits and experimenting is a great way to re-awaken your palate and enjoy creating something new.

28. Explore the hidden wonders in a toy shop!

Bring back your sense of wonder by exploring an environment that felt magical as a child. This is a guilt free pleasure and seeing the faces of the children in the store is guaranteed to make you smile!

29. Slide down the supermarket aisle whilst holding on to the trolley

Letting go of our inhibitions is a simple pleasure that we rarely allow ourselves to indulge in as adults.

30. Re-live memories by re-connecting with childhood friends

An easy way to remind yourself of your childhood by letting your memories and senses bring back a sense of nostalgia.

31. Decide your next holiday destination by closing your eyes and landing your finger on a map

Holidays allow us to truly relax and the excitement involved in exploring somewhere new with friends or family combined with extended time off work allows you to truly be yourself!

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