Are you going through menopause? Do you often feel like you are not in control of your body? Well, it’s natural but you need to find the best ways to ease these symptoms. Here are the top 5 self-help tips to help ease any symptoms you may be experiencing during menopause.



1.         Keep Cool

Some of the common symptoms of menopause include night sweats and hot flushes. They are a result of the malfunction of the temperature control methods in your body. This may happen even before your periods stop. However, you may experience these symptoms the 1st year after your last period.

To reduce night sweats and hot flushes, you need to try the following.

•           Make sure your bedroom is cool at night

•           Wear lighter clothing

•           Exercise more

•           Reduce your stress levels

•           Avoid triggers such as caffeine, spicy food, alcohol or smoking

2.         Try To Relax

Menopause brings about hormonal changes that may also bring about psychological symptoms in your body. Therefore, you are likely going to experience symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, exhaustion, mood swings and lack of energy. However, you may also be dealing with other stressful factors such as dealing with elderly parents who are becoming more dependent.

Additionally, you may be dealing with the death of friends or older relatives, empty nest syndrome as your children moves on to start their lives or divorce. As such, it may be tough to determine whether or not menopause may be causing these psychological symptoms. Whatever the cause of your symptoms, you can use the following tips to improve your mood. 

•           Exercise regularly

•           Get plenty of rest

•           Try relaxation exercises such as tai chi and yoga

Speak to a menopause doctor for help if your symptoms become problematic.

3.         Improve Your Sleeping Patterns

Restful sleep allows you to cope with night sweats and other symptoms of menopause. You can improve your sleep by doing the following.

•           Don’t exercise within two hours of your bedtime

•           Go to bed at the same time every night

•           Wear lighter clothes and keep your room cool

4.         Get Regular Exercise

Women who are more active may suffer less from the symptoms of menopause. Exercise, whether it’s a brisk walk, a cycle on a bike or weight lighting helps you enjoy relief from short-term menopausal symptoms. It also protects your body from osteoporosis and heart disease. Exercise keeps your bones and muscles strong. Additionally, it improves your mobility and flexibility thereby improving your balance.

Exercise is a great way to prevent bone fractures and bone loss. The best types of exercise include sustained and regular aerobic exercises. Take brisk walks about 3 times every week to begin your exercise routines for the best results.

5.         Quit Smoking

Smoking may bring on your menopause earlier than expected. You may also experience worse menopause symptoms. It’s time to quit smoking if you don’t want to suffer hectic menopausal symptoms.