Beat a cold in 24 hours with this schedule

Beat a cold in 24 hours with this schedule

For anyone struck down with a runny nose, fever, cough and aching muscles, it can seem like a day off work in bed is the only option. But for those ‘workplace warriors’ out there who can’t afford to take a day off or who have a family to run, Covonia’s hour-by-hour guide to beating the bugs will have you fighting fit in just 24 hours….

0700 hours – TAKE A STEAMING HOT SHOWER: When you wake up feeling run down, chances are you won’t feel like staggering to the bathroom straight away.  But a steaming hot shower could be just what the doctor ordered.  The hot water can soothe your throbbing limbs and the steam can help clear your bunged up sinuses. 

0800 hours – EAT A BIG BREAKFAST: Diet is essential in helping you on the road to recovery. Reach for the orange juice to build up your vitamin C and throw some antioxidant-packed mixed berries into a large bowl of warm porridge.

1000 hours – TAKE YOUR MEDICINE: Professor Ron Eccles of the Common Cold Centre says:  “Tackle the symptoms of colds with over-the-counter medicines such as aspirin, paracetamol, cough syrups and lozenges. Look for lozenges with a strong taste such as Covonia’s Double Impact Lozenges. Strong flavours will promote salivation to help coat and soothe a sore throat. You can also try putting your head over a steaming bowl of hot water for five minutes to help soothe and clear the airways.”

1200 hours – TAKE A STROLL: “If you have a head cold with a runny nose and mild symptoms, you can exercise if you feel up to it.” says Professor Eccles. A short walk could make you feel better and help you to recover faster.  But don’t start pounding the streets in a bid to make a miraculous recovery, a gentle stroll around the block is all you need to improve your mood and boost your immune system.

1300 hours – PACK SOME PROTEIN: At lunchtime, ditch the usual sarnie and crisps for some lean chicken. Protein helps build immune cells and helps to prompt the immune response. People who cut meat out of their diet will often suffer with more frequent and longer lasting colds.

1500 hours – PUT THE KETTLE ON: Herbal teas and other hot liquids help thin mucus and expel it from the body.  A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice won’t have an immediate effect but it will increase your Vitamin C levels which is good for recovery and boosting immunity later.    

1800 hours – MAKE IT HOT HOT HOT: At dinner time, turn up the heat with a curry or a chilli con carne.  Ingredients like ginger, garlic and chilli peppers are renowned for their anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, as well as their ability to clear the sinuses.  Plus, they might be the only foods you have a chance of actually tasting. Professor Eccles continues: “The spices can help get rid of germs from the system and clear the airways. Strong flavours stimulate saliva production, helping to lubricate a sore throat.”

2000 hours – SOAK IN THE BATH: End the day by giving those tired and aching muscles a soak in a nice hot bath. According to Professor Ron Eccles, the heat of a bath can steam out the virus, which thrives in a cold nose, from the body.

2200 hours – GET 8 HOURS: It is important for your body to enjoy a god night’s sleep so you can get back to full strength as soon as possible, so do the following: try to go to bed and wake up at the usual time, avoid stimulating drinks like coffee or alcohol just before bed and reserve your bed for shut-eye – it’s not a place to work, e-mail or surf the internet. 

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