Weightless is said to be more relaxing than listening to Adele

Weightless is said to be more relaxing than listening to Adele

A new report reveals for 86 per cent of us, stress has become a part of our everyday lives and because of this we're spending a lot more money on trying to reliece this.

It's not great when we're strapped for cash as it is and two-thirds of women are forking out £20 for a massage.

So we welcome the freebies when they arrive, as more than 5,000 women have in just 48 hours. Weightless is a specially designed ambient track by mind and therapy experts Radox Spa that can be downloaded for free from facebook.com/radox.

The track has been scientifically proven to be more relaxing than having a massage or listening to tunes by Adele, Mozart and Enya.

It was created by ambient musicians Marconi Union in consultation with the UK's Lyz Cooper, founder of the British Academy of Sound Therapy. The eight-minute track uses specific rhythms, tones, frquencies and intervals to relax the listener.

"The results clearly show that the track, Weightless induced the greatest relaxation – higher than the massage or any of the other music tested. The study confirmed that the Radox Spa track Weightless has the power to soothe frazzled minds and relax stressed bodies," explains Mindlab's Dr David Lewis, one of the UK's leading stress specialists and author of the best selling One Minute stress Manager.

Dr Lewis continues: "Brain imaging studies have shown that music works at a very deep level within the brain, stimulating not only those regions responsible for processing sound but also ones associated with emotions. So the next time you need to relax, there’s no need to comfort eat a chocolate bar or book a spa retreat. Just put on the right piece of music, such as Weightless, sit back in the bath or a comfortable chair, close your eyes and chill out to the soothing beat."

Scientists at Mindlab International, an independent research consultancy based at the Sussex Innovation Centre, tested subjects to record the subconscious physical responses to listening to Weightless versus other music and having massages.
The effect of the activities on heart rate, respiration and skin conduction concluded that listening to Weightless had a much more relaxing effect than listening to conventionally ‘relaxing’ music by Adele, Enya, Coldplay, Moby and Mozart.
Top ten most relaxing tracks
1. Marconi Union – Weightless
2. Airstream – Electra
3. DJ Shah – Mellomaniac (Chill Out Mix)
4. Enya – Watermark
5. Coldplay – Strawberry Swing
6. Barcelona – Please Don’t Go
7. All Saints – Pure Shores
8. Adele – Someone Like You
9. Mozart – Canzonetta Sull’aria
10. Café Del Mar – We Can Fly

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