Do what you can to stay healthy this winter

Do what you can to stay healthy this winter

Are you worried that a cold is going to drag you down again this winter? Are you fed up of feeling run down all the time?

It's that time of year again when the cold weather is upon us and we are all trying hard to ward off the inevitable cold and flu viruses. Research shows that our immune systems are particularly vulnerable in the winter and it can be a challenge to stay healthy when we are also run down and stressed especially after December!

Instead, armed with a few easy tips, you can enjoy the lovely sunny winter days and make the most of your time with friends and family. These include eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, exercising regularly and taking supplements that support your immune system by boosting levels of good bacteria in your gut.

Dr Ellie Cannon, the resident doctor on Sky Livings, "Slave to Food", has joined with Bimuno IMMUNAID to help people stay healthy this winter. Watch our video where she gives her top tips on getting through the cold season in tip-top shape and helping you make the most of winter activities.

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