Keep up the Christmas spirit

Keep up the Christmas spirit

The buzz of Christmas is over and soon your decorations will be down and the partying will come to an end. It's the worst time of the year for feeling miserable and the slightest thought of going back to work makes you never want to go out the front door.

But don't despair and become victim to the January blues, we've got 5 fool-proof ways to raise your spirits and put a smile on your face.  

Exercise - I can hear you groaning, but exercise really does release endorphins that cause you to feel happy and relaxed. The positive effects of exercise are endless so drag a willing friend along to a zumba or aerobics class or make a pact to both join a gym.

Sleep - Damp, dark mornings mean it's harder than ever to drag yourself out of bed so to ensure you wake up bright and breezy (or something like that) make sure you're getting enough sleep. Without enough sleep you'll be cranky and miserable all day.

Get away - Planning a holiday gives you something to look forward to and plan ahead for. Even looking through the fancy holiday brochures will lift your spirits. And if you have some spare cash from Christmas, don't wait until summer, book yourself a weekend trip away for January or February!

Socialise - Going out and enjoying yourself is without a doubt the best advice. Suggest to your friends an evening out and if they feel the same as you they'll be more than willing.

Start a new hobby - Now's the time to set yourself goals and attempt to stick to them. So if there's something you've always wanted to do, do it! Keep a positive mind and the winter blues will be banished.


Alexandra Baracskai

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