Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez drinks a green juice made of kale, parsley and wheat grass three times a day.

Jennifer is determined to be in great shape when she returns to the 'American Idol' judging panel in January and has been working with a health coach to overhaul her eating habits.

According to a source she has hired a health coach and they worked on using foods and fresh vegetable juices to cleanse her organs.

She has had green juice with kale, parsley and wheat grass three times a day. She's been eating quinoa and has cut out wheat and all things processed.

Although Jennifer initially found her new diet plan tough, she has already lost 15lbs and is delighted with the results.

Another source told the National Enquirer magazine: "She only eats meat that is organic, free range and grass fed and for the first month she cut out all animal products. It wasn't easy, but she says it's the best thing she's done for her body."

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