If you have never heard of the concept, virtual racing is where you take on a fitness challenge to achieve at your own pace and place, as part of one big virtual team. When you have completed, you simply upload your evidence of the challenge and your medal is posted out.

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And it isn’t just for runners. Tens of thousands of people of all ages and abilities take part all around the world. The distance challenges can be a run, walk, cycle, swim or achieved on the cross-trainer.

So, why are they so popular? We explore the top 5 reasons virtual racers cite for taking part.

You feel part of something worthwhile

Many studies reveal that runners are often happier than those who don’t run, claiming that it’s partly due to the sense of community they experience.

Joining a virtual running community is a great way for individuals to stay motivated and build confidence, and still feel like you’re a part of something. Plus, as a virtual racer, you get to experience the thrill of the race and still hold up the race medals at the end!

You’ll be supporting something you believe in

Racing for a specific cause, especially one that’s close to your heart can give you an even bigger sense of achievement. The Virtual Running UK community support lots of small and national charities by donating £2 from every race entry. Collectively, Team VRUK members have raised more than £19k for UK causes so far in 2019, and team members cannominate charities close to their heart.

Sense of achievement

There’s no better feeling than finishing a challenge and holding that race medal to give you a true sense of pride and achievement. Whether you’ve completed your first ever race or smashed your ‘personal best’ (PB), that feeling will stay with you for a long time. Who doesn’t want a race medal or a bit of ‘bling’ to show for their hard work?

Great physical benefits

Running is a great form of exercise, and it has been known to ease depression, help you sleep better and improve your mood as it releases mood-boosting hormones. The more that you train, the better you become, and it can become a part of your routine.

It’ll keep you focused

Having a set challenge is a great way to stay on target. Without a goal in mind, it can be far too tempting to swap your trainers for your slippers and a cosy night in front of the TV.

The focus and discipline that you learn can help you in other areas, such as work.

Samantha Field is a virtual racing expert, and the co-founder of https://www.virtualracinguk.co.uk/

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