Tessa Arnold, Co Founder and CEO of SnapBack Energy, is helping individuals work to secure a foundation for a fulfilling and healthy life by sharing her journey in becoming an Ayurvedic health coach and yoga instructor.

One of the problems facing modern day society is the lack of education and awareness for people to begin improving their lives through traditional practices rooted in ancient cultures. There are worldwide shifts in society that are becoming commonplace in which people are seeking alternatives to traditional medicines in pursuit of healthier and more sustainable lives.  Two of the practices that Arnold has learned can change people’s lives are Ayurvedic practices, such as yoga.

Tessa Arnold practicing paddleboard yoga as part of a Ayuverdic lifestyle
Tessa Arnold practicing paddleboard yoga as part of a Ayuverdic lifestyle

Arnold has been using her training to become an Ayurvedic health coach to encourage people to take better care of their bodies. She achieves this by exemplifying how to incorporate a healthy balance of daily routines, which can be accomplished through retraining the brain to become better in tune with the elements. According to Arnold, this starts with simple tasks such as spending more time outside in the natural light and meditative breathing exercises. 

She has found that Ayurveda has highly nutritional values that can alter how people understand and be in better communication with their bodies. With a better sense of how to care for the body, people can begin to work on what fundamentally energizes them. Arnold works with people on an individualized basis to analyze their lifestyles, providing insight on diet, sleep, and daily routines. Encouraging healthier decisons, mindfulness and emotional wellbeing.

Many of the people she works with are seeking wellness plans, that in conjunction with traditional medicine, better incorporate the mind-body connection. This is an awareness that is becoming more widely adopted, and Tessa Arnold is committed to sharing her journey through Ayurveda and yoga, which has changed her life and put her on a path to wellbeing, with the world.

Ayuverdic practices enable people to begin truly loving and taking care of themselves while simultaneously projecting that energy out into the world. Arnold believes this is something that needs to be shared with others and looks forward to offering people the same solutions she utilizes in her daily life.

“It’s been so amazing going through this journey towards becoming an Ayruvedic health coach and yoga instructor because I truly want to help people find fulfillment, balance and wellbeing” says Arnold. “These ayurvedic practices have created a sense of conscious living in my daily life that translates to a greater self awareness and clarity of mind in my decision making as a COO, Mother and friend.” 

In addition to using her training in Ayurvedic practices to help people, Arnold is incorporating those practices into her business SnapBack Energy, which is a health supplement that raises energy levels, aliviates hangovers, and increases liver health. She plans to release a new flavor of the health supplement, which is currently available in grape and orange, that will be a green supplement. The new flavor will be developed to mirror the health benefits and conscious living people experience when practicing Ayurveda.





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