Today is Optimist Day, a day to celebrate all the hopeful, positive people all over the world who shine light into other people’s lives with their cheery disposition. But what tools do these people use to be so happy? Well, minimalism could be one of them… here’s why:

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Minimalists aren’t faced with the yearly purge of their home: Imagine a world where you didn’t have to spend an entire weekend decluttering your house in the springtime or to make way for the influx of new things at Christmas? A place where everything is so organised, well placed and minimal that you can spend that time doing anything else you please! Does that make you feel optimistic or what?!

Minimalists don’t endure the usual shopping frustrations: Minimalists tend to buy less meaning they don’t have to concern themselves with extortionate shipping costs, returning items that aren’t right, spending hours on end choosing the right piece, only to find weeks later that they didn’t really like the item anyway. How many positive experiences could you have if you weren’t doing all those things?

Minimalists often have no debt (or very little): Many minimalists strive to live debt free or only have one debt which might be their mortgage. How would you react if you didn’t owe anyone anything? Not the bank? Not the credit card company? Not your parents? Feels pretty light and freeing doesn’t it?

Minimalists don’t have to tidy and clean as much: What is the biggest frustration you have about your home? Probably that it takes you ages to reset it at the end of the day and keep it clean- IF you can summon the energy. Try to picture a space where you only have to put a few things back in their designated place to have your home back again. Do you feel easier? Happier? More content?

Minimalists don’t have to worry about unexpected guests: Minimalist homes are easier to keep on top of because there is less stuff to manage and clean, meaning they are more presentable when someone wants to come over without warning. Does someone coming to your home without notice fill you with dread? Form a mental image of your home, minimised and ready for anything, including guests- doesn’t it feel good to let go of that stress?

Minimalists live off experiences rather than things: Many minialists have so little because they want to invest their money in trips, experiences and time spent with others. It’s what life is made for and how memories are created. The only experience stuff gives you is a trip to the charity shop or donation centre to give it away or having that argument with your partner over leaving their things lying around. Stuff breeds more negative memories than good. What if the memories you made from now on were bursting with laughter, fun, new places, new people and quality time with those you love? Doesn’t this sound more idyllic than having excessive amounts of possessions?

Minimalists are free to move about more: Many minimalists find it easier to move house because there are fewer items to transfer from one home to another. Some live a nomadic lifestyle because they only have one backpack to their name, which enables them to travel and for many- it simply means leaving the house with less. 

Do you remember your last house move and how stressful it was? That was probably because there was so much stuff once you pulled it altogether that you felt overwhelmed and exhausted after moving it all. What about the last time you went on holiday- try and recall how much you packed- did you use it all? Likely not. And what does your bag look like when you go out? Is it filled with expired receipts, old tissues, dried up pens and store cards? Envision leaving the house with just what you need, moving house in just a couple of hours and travelling so light you don’t need to break your back pulling around an enormous suitcase. 

Feeling more optimistic yet?

RELATED: Minimalism: Seven tips for falling back in love with the things you already own

Do you find that you are forever on the hunt for your next purchase? If so, try looking around at what you already own and find a new appreciation for these items rather than pursuing other things... to read more click HERE 

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