Serge Pizzorno has recorded "thousands" of ideas for the next Kasabian album.

Kasabian's Serge Pizzorno

Kasabian's Serge Pizzorno

The 35-year-old songwriter has been stockpiling guitar riffs, melodies and lyrics for a new batch of songs and records most of them on his smart phone before listening back at his home studio.

However, Serge - who has two sons, Ennio and Lucio, with his wife Amy - admits he has scrapped lots of potential ideas that have come to him in the middle of the night after deciding they're "terrible".

In an interview on Gordon Smart's Radio X show 'Smart on Sunday', he said: "I'm mooching about. I've got a little studio at home so I'm always in there, just escaping from reality ...I hate phones, I can't stand them but the one thing that I use is the voice recorder. The problem is I've just got thousands to sieve through and most of it is complete and utter nonsense. It's me in the middle of the night, recording like a melody, and then going in the next day and it's just like a load of noise - oh, it's terrible!"

Kasabian's last album '48:13' was released in June 2014 and since touring that record, the guys - Serge, singer Tom Meighan, bassist Chris Edwards and drummer Ian Matthews - have been enjoying a break.

Away from writing new songs, Serge is preparing to play in the Soccer Aid charity match in aid of UNICEF on June 5 at Manchester United's Old Trafford stadium.

However, he has injured his back and thinks he will need to have painkilling injections before lacing up his boots.

He revealed: "I'm in a bit of trouble with my back ... I'll have injections, I'll be there, don't worry about that."