Mamaduke Duke

Mamaduke Duke

After hearing Mamaduke Duke’s first and second singles (Kid Gloves and Rubber Lover), I was intrigued as to what they had in store for us on the follow up. 

At a first listen especially to the intro I would have probably bet my clothes on a gamble that this wasn’t the band I thought I was reviewing, with a hint of techno and a vague Jean-Michel Jarre-esque production, I was sceptical of the idea I put the wrong CD in the drive.

However, this being said I was starting to enjoy myself. The vocal melody came in strong and continued to be so under the up-beat, well produced track.

I thought the song could have done with a slight variation of some more major chords to make it slightly more interesting but I could certainly see myself getting a little groove on with the windows down in the summer sunshine.   

3.5 stars (if we’re doing half points) - Steve Appleton

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