penny asks :

im fed up with this weather rain then sunshine, im in need of a coat/jacket something that will keep me dry in the showers were having but will also look good, i dont really like macs which seem to be all that the shops are selling right now! any ideas would be great!

Female First replies

H&M. Such a great shop for jackets and you're bound to find something to your liking.

You're never going to be able to predict the weather and so I suggest a large handbag, one big enough to fit in an umbrella, and go for a light weight jacket that will keep you dry but stylish for just in case we spot some summer sun.

You can never go wrong with a light weight parker or a cropped jacket. They're comfortable, fashionable and will go some length to taking the edge off the bite in the wind at the moment.

The jacket featured is from H&M and perfect for our climate. Light and bright for the season but enough protection against a short showers. It's also a bargain for

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