

Research released today by Europe’s Ciao reveals how consumers in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain really feel about visiting each other’s countries. The results were clear: Germany is Europe’s least favourite holiday destination, and it’s all thanks to the people!
30% of respondents across Europe named Germany as their least favourite destination and claimed that the unfriendly people were the reason for their choice. The only exception was made by the Germans, 40% of whom named the UK as their least favourite destination and claimed the weather was the reason.
Respondents from Britain, France and Spain rated their own countries as their favourite place for a European holiday. For the Brits and the Spanish it’s the beautiful landscapes and rolling hills that make them want to stay at home – while perhaps unsurprisingly the French rate their own cooking more highly than the rest of Europe and would much rather stick with what they know!
The countryside was rated as a high driver in the holiday decision making process and may explain why the Germans and Italians prefer to go abroad: the Germans to Italy and the Italians to Spain.
The facts in a European snapshot:

    * The most popular countries in Europe are Spain (28,8 %), Italy (25,4 %), France (21,2%), the UK (15,4%) and Germany (9,2%).

    * The things people liked most about their chosen country are the landscape (43 %), the weather (19 %), the people (16,8 %), the food (16,6 %) and the nightlife (4,6 %).

    * Asked for the least popular holiday destinations people chose Germany (30,4%) the UK (26,6 %), Italy (22 %), France (13,8 %) and Spain (7,2 %).

    * Things people do not like in the country they chose not to go to are the weather (31,6 %), the people (31,4 %) the food, (17,6%), the nightlife (12%) and the landscape (7,4 %).

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