Davina apologises for the board’s decision as she’s still keen to back him. Linden decides he needs to get more support and targets Connie as the key player at Holby City. But how’s he going to do that? Later on Linden calls Jayne’s deputy as he has an idea and he needs her help. She says she’ll do anything she can. He heads up to a deserted Keller where he gathers together various pieces of equipment and starts to run some tests.

Daisha has been adamant until now that she doesn’t want the baby – she has other priorities - but we can see that now she’s given birth she’s moved when she hears the baby cry. Joseph asks whether she wants to hold the baby but she says no and so Joseph cradles him in his arms as he tries to stop him crying. When they finally get out of the lift people swarm in and rush Daisha off with Joseph left holding the baby. Reluctant to hand him over Joseph is guided towards the maternity ward by a nurse. Faye arrives at Holby to see where Joseph is and sees Joseph holding the baby – he has a big, proud, almost fatherly grin plastered all over his face and he doesn’t notice Faye, walking right past her. Faye is devastated. Jac notices her reaction and gives her a cold smile.

Linden calls Connie to Keller as he needs to show her something. She hasn’t really got time for this but he asks her for a few minutes of her time. Linden has set up an experiment illustrating Flash Cooling by testing it on himself. Connie is suitably impressed and Linden asks her to back him. She agrees.

The anaesthetist is practically on his way out of theatre, when Michael calls him back in. He needs to get the job done regardless of who is the anaesthetist. At first things go well but his cocksure attitude sticks in Michael’s throat. This guy contributed to Linden’s suspension and yet he is still working. There is a tricky moment in theatre when the patient starts to move and when the anaesthetist claims that the equipement is faulty it becomes apparent that he is unable to rectify the situation. Another anaesthetist is paged and Michael’s wife Annalese arrives and quickly sorts the problem out and at Michael’s insistence Jamie leaves the theatre.

Linden starts to his pitch his ideas again to a disinterested board. They start to stand up and grumble and just as Linden is in danger of becoming a laughing stock Davina enters with Connie. Connie argues for the merits of the trial but adds that the ethics committee will never sanction a trial on real patients so what they need to do is start hypothetically before moving onto laboratory tests. Only if that goes well will they suggest a human trial in a few years time. The board seem happy with this compromise but Linden knows that his dream is over. He wanted the idea to be fast tracked through the early trials so he could save lives now not in five years time. In the meantime if he’s going to continue with his work in AAU he needs to focus on that and pass his ideas on to a research laboratory. Linden thanks Connie for her support but he is clearly frustrated.

Annalese and Michael continue the operation together. It’s odd to see Michael at work with his wife. She naturally knows when to do things for him. Annalese likes working with her husband but they haven’t done it for a while. She wonders whether she should consider a full-time job in Holby but Michael is clearly unsure. After the operation Annalese says she will talk to Jayne about Jamie. Michael wants to circumvent this and says he’ll talk to Jayne. Michael talks to Davina who cuts him short. There’s nothing they can do about Jamie – they can’t sack him. Michael’s partly relieved but feels torn about working with someone so inept. Michael’s annoyed at the bureaucracy and cant believe that people can’t be sacked but Davina tells him that that’s just the way it is. Michael heads off with Annalese, who puts an arm round him and it is clear that there is still chemistry in their relationship.