Paul O'Grady

Paul O'Grady

Paul O'Grady has said his ideas have been copied by Alan Titchmarsh.

The chat show host has blasted the TV gardener for stealing his set and booking the same guests as him for his daytime talk show, 'The Alan Titchmarsh Show', and Paul even hinted he would hit the 'Love Your Garden' presenter if they met.

He said: "If our paths cross in the corridor he will rue the day.

"When he first started doing it, it was our set. Even our hideous topiary, which I hated, was nicked.

"And everything we did, they did a week later. I am not one to cross if I have a grudge.

"I am looking forward to dealing with the gardener and it won't be bulbs I am planting, I can assure you."

Paul also slammed A-list stars who appear on 'The Paul O'Grady Show' because they "talk b******s" and moan.

Speaking on 'Alan Carr: Chatty Man' tonight, he added: "When a big guest comes into town, the chat show hosts are like a pack of wolves. I think people in the industry are far more interested in the A-listers than we are.

"I'd rather have someone from 'Corrie' than some Yank.

"They talk b******s, basically. And they moan. If I was being paid £15 million I would s**g a donkey.

"But I am looking forward to human company because I have spent the whole year with animals doing shows like 'For The Love Of Dogs'. It will be nice to have a job when I'm not peed on."

'Alan Carr: Chatty Man' airs tonight on Channel 4 at 10pm.

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