Becky asks :

Hi, in the past my boyfriend has displayed behaviour that is unfaithful like text flirting, saving pictures of people we know in their bikini. Also lying about who he has been with. In the end he has always told the complete truth. He has not kissed or slept with anyone else. Yesterday i was on his laptop and looked through his history and found loads! Of links to a girls Facebook pictures of her at a night club drunk. This girl has tried to break us up in the past. When i confronted him he said he couldn't understand how its in his history. Everything on his history is correct as he confirmed. How can his history lie. And for one specific thing....and to be a Facebook page on all her 'slutty' photos he taking me for a fool? :'(

Yin replies

Lucy says:

There are a lot of instances here that are suspicious. What proof do you have that he didn’t cheat on you? Out of respect for you he should not be sending flirty messages to anyone nor should he have those sort of pics on his phone unless they are of you. If the links to a girl’s Facebook were repetitive it sounds like he is lying to you about this, once, yes it could be a mistake but more than once it’s probably deliberate. If he needs to look elsewhere then it does not look good for you both. If you find anything else like this you should give him an ultimatum, it’s you or this girl, because if she has tried to break you up before what is stopping her now? 

Yang replies

Cameron says:

The flirty messages might just be his way of communicating with his female friends, some people are just naturally like that. However, the keeping of photos isn’t kosher, especially if it’s of them in bikinis. I think you need to have a conversation with him about this girl and find out what she is to him. If you think it’s going to keep driving a wedge between you two, then you’re going to have to ask him to cut ties with her for a bit. I think you’re man is taking advantage of your trust, and needs to be reminded that it’s not as concrete as he thinks it is.

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