
26 July 2024

Singers drop their tempos as they grow older

The average speed of an artist's music decreases as they get older. Geoff Luck, an expert from the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, has analysed more than 14,000 songs on Spotify ...
26 July 2024

Alien avatars will take centre stage in the future of human sex

Alien avatars and robots will play a key role in the sex lives of future humans. A new study has suggested that people will become increasingly reliant on technology for excitement ...

26 July 2024

Binge drinking causes irregular heart rhythm

Binge drinking increases the risk of irregular heart rhythms. A team of experts at Ohio State University found that binge drinking-related arrhythmias are connected to a raised risk of the stress-induced ...

26 July 2024

Staring at phones speeds up ageing

Staring at your phone accelerates the ageing process. Experts have warned that constantly looking down at devices puts strain on the neck and can lead to the early appearance of lines ...

25 July 2024

Iron-coated teeth give Komodo dragons a killer bite

Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth. Scientists have been analysing what makes the large reptiles' bite so venomous and found that their teeth are coated with a layer of iron that keeps ...

25 July 2024

Water found in Moon soil samples for first time

Water has been found in soil samples from the Moon for the first time. Boffins testing soil brought back from a 2020 Chinese space mission have found "hydrated molecules", the Chinese ...

25 July 2024

Daily glass of wine does not improve health

A daily glass of wine doesn't provide the health benefits that many hope for. Previous studies have proposed the idea that enjoying a tipple could help people live longer but a ...
25 July 2024

Neanderthal roasted birds for their dinner

Neanderthals cooked roast dinners. Studies show that our ancestors roasted small birds for meals as scientists set out to replicate how they would have cut up and cooked the meat. Researchers at ...

24 July 2024

Sugar in the body could be a cure for baldness

A sugar in the body could cure baldness. Experts have discovered that the sweet substance can stimulate hair growth and is equally effective as the existing drug to treat male pattern ...
24 July 2024

Wild sharks in Brazil's waters test positive for cocaine

Sharks off the Brazilian coast have tested positive for cocaine. A new study by local scientists found high concentrations of the drugs in the bodies of 13 sharpnose sharks that were ...

24 July 2024

Asparagus fortune teller claims Michelle Obama will win US presidential election

An 'asparagus psychic' has predicted that Michelle Obama will win the US presidential election. Jemima Packington has revealed that her vegetables foresee the former First Lady - who is not currently ...
24 July 2024

Olive oil hangover prevention theory rubbished by scientist

Olive oil shots do not prevent hangovers. The health trend has been popular on TikTok and has been championed by the music producer Benny Blanco who took a swig of the ...

23 July 2024

Poor sleep raises threat of Type 2 diabetes

Erratic sleep increases a person's risk of suffering Type 2 diabetes. Researchers in the US have found that those with the most irregular sleep patterns had the highest chance of being ...
23 July 2024

Main characters have better lives

People with 'main character syndrome' enjoy happier lives. Scientists have found that those who regard themselves as the main protagonist rather than a sidekick have higher levels of overall wellbeing. A study ...

23 July 2024

Chimps use gestures for quick-fire communication

Chimpanzees use quick-fire gestures for effective communication. Experts have studied thousands of gestures made by wild primates in east Africa and found notable parallels with the turn-taking that is prominent in ...

23 July 2024

Sniffing stressed humans makes dogs gloomy

Dogs get depressed when they can smell that their owners are stressed. Stress in humans triggers a unique scent that can be smelt by canines and new evidence shows that worried ...
22 July 2024

Extreme eater dies on livestream

An extreme eater died during a livestream after binging for hours. Pan Xiaoting passed away on 14 July while taking part in an online challenge on Mukbang - where hosts consume ...

22 July 2024

Mr England needs younger contestants

Mr England organisers' fears of a national "hunk shortage" have eased following a surge of applications. The pageant enlisted the services of Miss England Milla Magee to appeal for men to ...

19 July 2024

Disneyland Paris sets drone record

Disneyland Paris has set a new Guinness World Record for a drone show during the park's annual Bastille Day celebrations. The French resort put on a spectacular display to mark the ...

18 July 2024

Woman stunned by truth after dating man claiming to be FBI agent

A woman was shocked to discover the truth after dating a man who claimed to be an FBI agent. TikTok user Jenna Jean has shared her wild story after starting a ...

18 July 2024

Kids hospitalised after eating box of 'adult only' spicy crisps

Fourteen children have been hospitalised after eating a box of 'rated 18' spicy crisps. Tokyo's Rokugo Koka High School had to call for help after 13 girls and one boy - ...

18 July 2024

UK could face explosion in killer stingray numbers

The UK could be facing an explosion in the numbers of killer stingrays. The sea creatures - which are typically found in tropical areas - are starting to turn up more ...
18 July 2024

Woman 'shocked' by 'tackiest ever' wedding invite

A woman is in "utter shock" after being invited to her friend's wedding as a babysitter in a separate room. The woman and her husband received an invite with a "little ...
17 July 2024

Generation Z being packed off to etiquette classes

Generation Z have grown so socially awkward they are being packed off to etiquette classes. The 12 to 27-year-olds are feared to have lost interpersonal skills by being shut in their ...