
21 October 2024

Man cheats death after being attacked by sex-crazed dolphin

A man narrowly survived an attack by a "sexually frustrated" dolphin. Takuma Goto was swimming off the city of Tsuruga in Japan along with a friend earlier this summer when they ...

21 October 2024

Listening to music speeds up surgery recovery

Listening to music can help a patient recover from surgery faster. Hearing some of your favourite tunes following an operation can reduce levels of pain and anxiety after a procedure - ...

21 October 2024

Lie-ins dramatically slash dementia risk

Lie-ins could significantly reduce the risk of getting dementia. Research from the National Taiwan University Hospital has revealed that a high percentage of over 65s were less likely to develop the ...

21 October 2024

Aliens could be living underneath Mars ice

Aliens could be living inside ice on Mars. Researchers believe that there is a thick enough layer of ice on the Red Planet to protect a living organism from the extreme ...

20 October 2024

Bigfoot time travels at 100mph to avoid human detection

Bigfoot can travel through time by running at 100mph. Sasquatch-obsessed couple Brian and Terrie Seech are convinced that the legendary beasts can outwit humans using their extremely fast running speed to ...

20 October 2024

Snacking on nuts every day slashes dementia risk

Eating a small handful of nuts each day can stave off dementia. A team of Spanish and Portuguese experts have discovered that eating just 30g of unsalted and unprocessed nuts reduced ...

20 October 2024

NASA's Europa Clipper mission will try and find alien life on Jupiter

NASA's latest mission will attempt to establish if there is alien life on Jupiter. The Europa Clipper mission will blast off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Monday (14.10.24) ...

20 October 2024

Stress doubles risk of hair turning grey before the age of 30

Stress doubles the risk of a person's hair turning grey before they turn 30. A study has found that anxiety and depression have a more significant impact on follicles compared to ...

20 October 2024

Ferret and rat pet demand has ramped up in recent months

Demand has soared for unusual pets such as rats and ferrets. Data shows that there has been a 30 per cent increase in interest in exotic creatures over the past six ...

20 October 2024

NASA filmmaker claims evidence of alien life has been found and will soon be revealed

Proof of alien life could be released to the public next month. Filmmaker Simon Holland - who has worked with NASA and the BBC on documentary projects - has revealed that ...

20 October 2024

Elon Musk urged to send only one person to Mars by top scientist

Elon Musk should only send one person to Mars to avoid contaminating the planet. The billionaire SpaceX tycoon is hoping to put over a million humans on the Red Planet but ...

20 October 2024

Humans have a rapid sense of smell

The human sense of smell is much quicker than previously thought. Scientists have long suspected that olfactory is sluggish but new evidence has found that the nose can detect chemical changes ...

20 October 2024

Cactus plants banned in German town

Cactus plants have been banned from a German town. The mayor of Plettenberg has forbidden the spiky plants from municipal buildings after a man needed medical attention when he injured himself ...

20 October 2024

Nuts are unlikely to trigger allergic reactions on flights

Nut allergies are unlikely to be triggered by particles on aeroplanes. Scientists have found that there is no evidence to support the idea that allergens can be spread through an aircraft's ...

20 October 2024

Bigfoot chaser claims to have heard beast's voice

A Bigfoot hunter says he has captured the voice of the legendary beast. Charlie Raymond claims to have "audio evidence" of Sasquatch "whooping" happily as if he's celebrating his birthday. The 57-year-old ...

20 October 2024

'Micro-walks' can improve health

Brief 'micro-walks' can lead to better health. A study has found that people used up to 60 per cent more energy by breaking down walks into 10-30 second stints compared to ...

20 October 2024

Dogs embark on new chapter of evolution

Dogs have begun a new era of evolution. Scientists believe that pooches are undergoing a third wave of domestication as owners seek pets that will gave them companionship instead of hunting ...

20 October 2024

Man lived to 78 without knowing he had three penises

A man unknowingly lived with three penises for his entire life. The Briton donated his body to the University of Birmingham Medical School after his death at the age of 78 ...

20 October 2024

Smokers have tobacco traces in bones for hundreds of years after death

Smoking leaves a trace in the bones for centuries after death. Archaeologists at the University of Leicester have analysed human remains buried in Britain between the 12th and 19th centuries and ...

20 October 2024

Skin reproduction could fight signs of ageing

Signs of ageing could be slowed as a result of new skin research. A team of experts on The Human Cell Atlas project have been able to reproduce a small amount ...

20 October 2024

Laser test can detect dementia in seconds

A new laser test can spot dementia in seconds. Researchers at the University of Southampton have developed the test using a new technology called Multi-excitation Raman spectroscopy (MX-Raman) and initial trials ...

20 October 2024

Neanderthal gene makes fish and chips such a popular dish

Cavemen loved the taste of fish and chips. Experts have found that Neanderthals and cavemen possessed the same gene that makes modern humans crave carbohydrates like potatoes. The AMY1 gene speeds up ...

20 October 2024

Standing up for too long could prove deadly

Standing upright for too long can be fatal. Experts have long warned that spending much of the day sitting down raises the risk of various health issues but new research argues ...

20 October 2024

Video games reduce brain age more effectively than exercise

Playing video games makes the brain younger - but exercising does not. Those who regularly play games such as 'Grand Theft Auto' and 'Minecraft' were found to have the mental ability ...