He leaves me guessing! asks :

I really like this guy at my school, we don't talk that often but whenever we do, he always compliments me. In the hallways he always checks me out. Guys in my school all find my breasts fascinating, so I'm worried that he just wants to get off with me and does not even like me.

I'm nearly dying for him, he is sooo gorgeous. Some times he is really sweet and when his mates come around he always tries to act cool and acts wierd. I'm just sooo lost, people say he would DO me, but I don't want just a one night adventure, I want to go out with him!

It's so unbelievably anoying to hear that cause I feel that he considers me a toy, or does he just say that to act cool infront of his friends? Maybe there are other ways I should act to get more of his atention?

Yin replies

I'm afraid boys at school are normally only after one thing.

They all want to look cool infront of their mates, and act as though they are all experienced and discuss conquests.

Remember if you're under 16 sex is still illegal and not worth the trouble.

As hard as it is I'd try and forget this one for now. When he grows up a bit and can talk to you in front of his mates, he knows where to find you.

Yang replies

He sounds like a typical high school boy, showing off in front of his mates.

If he wanted to ask you out he would have done so by now.

Don't let anybody use you for sex, it is hard not to get carried away when you really like someone but you really will regret it in the long run.

If things do develop, make it clear you're not into one night stands, you're better than that. Make him wait a long time before anything happens.

But otherwise I'd forget about him.

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