In need of SEX!!!!!!! asks :

I'm 16 and my parents don't care if I have sex but my girlfriend is a virgin but she had already gotten to 3rd base with her ex. She doesn't give me any action and always wears really covering clothes.
Her parents are OK with her doing whatever but she won't even French kiss me. We have been going out for two years now and I am afraid she doesn't like me anymore. What should I do to get my action?

Yin replies

You don’t say why it’s a problem that she covers up - surely you don’t need her to flaunt herself if she doesn’t want to? Not all girls expose a bit of flesh because they fancy their boyfriend.
But she doesn’t want to French Kiss you after two years? Maybe she might not fancy you - on the other hand, after two years together, it’s not that uncommon for French Kissing to become less common.
It takes effort to keep it going, and not to start acting just like mates. Maybe she’s fallen in to that trap you need to spice things up without putting pressure on her. Just work at tempting her back in to the passionate ways you used to have. But don’t pressurize her to have sex.
She might have been experienced in the past, at foreplay, but maybe she just wants to wait until it feels right to have sex. Give her time but give her plenty of compliments and reasons to feel confident.

Yang replies

Wake up to the fact that she’s your girlfriend, someone you’re supposed to care about, rather than see as a route to getting ‘your action’?
You sound impatient and competitive, and not as if you’re giving much thought to her feelings. Perhaps the problem is that this is coming across to her and it’s putting her off.

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