Laura asks :

My boyfriend of 11 years anf father of my 5 year old has left me and im 3 months pregnant, for the last 3 months he has been so mean to me and had been out with his friends nearly every weeken, staying out all niight. We planned for this baby but ever since i found out im pregnant hes been horrible. I feel so down and lonely. Im so scared of being a single parent, i feel hopeless. I dont know what to do. Help me please.

Yin replies

If you have planned for this pregnancy then he should be there for you and the baby, together or not he is still a father. Tell him that he needs to be there for you more or he is to play no part in the baby’s life. Parenthood is earned by the time you put in and if he is not prepared to do that then you need to look for someone who will.

Yang replies

It is better to have a single parent that is dependable and consistent than one that comes and goes as they please. Although it is hard to accept, this is not a good sign for the future. It is hard to imagine being a single parent, however when you broke up you had to consider what it would be like? Seek help from your friends and family to get your head in a better more positive place and then go out and find a companion that wants to be a father.

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