Love asks :

Hello,am 17 and every one around me are all big,like with boobs and ass. And am all flatted up,i am even embarrased to walk with them,what do i do to gain big boobs and ass. I need help ASAP. TNXS.

Yin replies

Just because a lot of your friends and people around you have big boobs and bottoms doesn’t mean that this is how you need to look. Be thankful that you are different and don’t look like the next person, this sets you apart from everyone else and in a good way! 

Yang replies

If you are wanting a little extra padding around the boob area get a padded bra to give you some extra lift in that area. In terms of your bottom there is not a lot you can do about this, other than doing exercises that will increase the muscle mass in that area. Other than getting fatter (which I would not recommend) there is little more you can do to change your body, if you are naturally slim.

I would expect that a lot of your friends are jealous of you for having the figure that you do, as losing weight around the bottom is something a lot of women yearn for and smaller boobs means that as you get older gravity will be kinder to you when all of your big breasted friends are having trouble with sagging! 

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