just a kid asks :

iv been with my boyfriend for nearly 6 months and im in love n we lost our virginity to each other n its great when we'r with each other but thts rarely becaus of my parents n we do often hav really bad days which im blamed for n its just not the same anymore he barely speaks to me on the internet n guilt trips me about stuff like how i was unable to quit smoking n drinkin n drugs successfully until 2 months ago and we argue over stupid things n he makes me feel bad n im so stressed out about my parents, school, life n the future n everything i used to take panic attacks i was so scared about everything n it really brought me down. im 14 and i hav lik no friends i can turn to n i just want a second opinion. what should i do?

Yin replies

It's great that you have found someone who makes you happy, but what your parents are trying to do is protect you. It is illegal for you to have sex until the age of 16, and your parents could have your boyfriend legally prosecuted for engaging in sexual activity with you. Baring this in mind, and how much your mum and dad care for you, they may be stopping you from seeing him a lot because they are worried about you and want the best for you. You've already said you have a lot on your mind, and sex just adds a whole other pile of problems, such as STD's and pregnancy. This would be the last thing you would need. Talk to him about it, and your mum and dad, and see whether you can all come to some sort of an agreement.

Yang replies

I think that you should see a consellor. They should be available from your school, and it would help you to get on top of things properly, and speak to someone when things are bothering you. It is great that you have quit smoking, drinking and drugs but you need support to keep this up. You can't do it on your own. And as much as it feels like your parents are making you suffer, they are only trying to do what is best for you. You're only 14, and still need your mum and dad, as independant as you think you are. Talk to someone.

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