aimee asks :

well theres this boy and were dating and there is this other and im dating him to the thing is i like both of them the first one is from america and the second is from close to me please help me choose one!

Yin replies

You can't be in this position where you are dating two people at the same time. Firstly, it is going to confuse you and secondly it is unfair on the two boys that you are messing around. You need to think about who you have a good time with and why, and which lad you think you like the most. Don't string any one along otherwise someone is going to get hurt.

Yang replies

These poor lads. You are being completely irresponsible in dating two people at the same time. How would you feel if someone did it to you? Don't keep being a player, as one day this will turn back around on to you and you will be the one left in tears with no one. My advice to you would to be stop seeing both of these boys, as you have cheated on them both already, and a relationship cannot be based upon that.

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