Amber asks :

Hey Lucy,


So basically my boyfriend started university in the beginning of September this year and is returning home in a few days! I am really concerned about giving him what he wants to easily 'sex', he won't pressure me but will obviously like to! Should I make him wait a few days or drive straight in?



Our Reply

Do whatever feels comfortable for you when you see him. If you want to reconnect first and go out and do something or cuddle up and watch a movie then do that. It may be that you are feeling a little horny too as it has been a while since you have had sex so you might want to have sex right away but don’t feel pressured into anything.


If he pressures you into sex then you have a bigger problem than just long distance. There is little point trying to plan it in now as the spontaneity will disappear and the excitement might fade. Why not just wait and see how the mood takes you at the time. There is nothing wrong, however, with a little pre-coital preparation if the sexual tension gets too much for you! ;)

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