Bee asks :

Hi Lucy,


I need some advice, I've been with my current boyfriend for nearly 2 years, he is so lovely, he treats me really well. But my best friend is a guy and we have got quite close, not physically, but we text a lot and hang out most days and I have a strong feeling that he is attracted to me. I find him very attractive; it is putting doubts in my head about whether I love my current boyfriend. Please help.

Our Reply

Hi Bee,


If you take your friend out of the equation, are you happy with your boyfriend? Although having someone who treats you well is a wonderful quality to have in partner, there is more to happy relationships than this alone. Are you still attracted to your boyfriend? If you don’t love your current man then it might be time to leave and find love elsewhere. After two years this is generally an acceptable amount of time to have developed strong feelings for someone and if it hasn’t happened then it doesn’t necessarily bode well for your future.


It could be a little ‘grass is greener’ complex if things are not going swimmingly with your partner. If your friend fills the gaps that you have with your boyfriend it might be that you look upon him more favourably right now. Be mindful that your current partner might fulfil those qualities that are lacking in your friend.


Attraction is also a key component of being with someone but there also have to be other things present to sustain a relationship. Do you think that you could maintain something long term once the novelty of the attraction wears off a little with your friend?


Someone else should not really put doubts in your head about whether you love someone, you should know before this if you love them or not. Try not use someone else as an excuse to leave if you are unhappy- make things simple for yourself- deal with one man at a time.

Lucy x 

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