confusedmessages asks :

I recently asked someone for a date and was turned down. I've accepted this is the case. However the person still wants to start conversations with me and smiles at me everytime she does so. Normally the person who has turned someone down does not want to know their admirer and feels uncomfortable around them. What is going on ?.

Yin replies

This girl may not want to date you but likes to flirt with you because it is in her nature to do so. Flirting is fun and frivolous with no commitment on her end. If you don’t feel too downhearted about her not going out with you, simply entertain it. Flirting is good practice for the next girl you like and it also shows that you are not ashamed to get back out there after a knock.


Yang replies

Being asked out shows that a person likes you and this is a boost for anyone even if they don’t want to go out with you. Girls like attention, she has it guaranteed from you when she approaches. Show her that you have moved on and direct your focuses elsewhere. You are too good to be hanging around wanting for her to change her mind. Get back out there and look for another girl to ask out, then she will know that she is missing! 

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