Kat asks :

Hi Lucy,

I am a 31 year old virgin. I have had some issues to do with when I was younger but lately it's more of a body image problem. Does being a virgin at this age make me weird? Other people never seem to believe me.

Our Reply

Hi Kat,

No it’s not weird. Some people are ready to have sex at an earlier age, others when they are older. The most important thing is that the timing is right for you.

If you have a body image problem, then look for a sexual partner who understands this and who will be patient with you. Some people are not as sensitive to the feelings of their partners in the bedroom, so make sure that whoever you do have sex with takes it at your pace not theirs.

People might find it hard to believe for we live in a society where men and women are having sex at a much younger age, but try not to let this make you rush into anything. Think of it like this- they have already had their moment and experimented with sex you have yet to still enjoy yours- so it’s an exciting prospect when you find the right partner.

If you feel your body image is really getting you down then there are many forums and places you can talk to people who are feeling the same way as you- perhaps look to these people from some support and encouragement. Or do you have any friends or family who you could talk to? You could always register to see a counsellor at your local doctors if you think that it is crippling your confidence that much.

Sex is too often considered to be about society and what others think about the age you lose your virginity, when actually it should have nothing to do with that. It should simply be about when your mind and your body are ready for the next step.


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