Emily asks :

Hi Lucy,

Does my guy friend like me? I'm currently at university and have become really close to a guy flatmate. We spend most of our time together and he always calls me cute nicknames and compliments me and tells me how much he loves/cares about me. But he also says I'm his best friend and we're really close. He flirts with me a lot and keeps showing all the typical body language signs (playing with his hair and socks, copying my posture) but he also talks to me about other girls, mostly just about how fit they are. Are we just really good friends or does he actually like me?

Our Reply

Hi Emily,


This sounds confusing for you, having such a strong friendship, but not knowing whether there is more to this relationship in the future or not.

All the signs are there that he could like you, the flirting, the compliments, him telling you that he loves and cares about you. This could be the mark of a really good friendship or there could be something more here.

He might talk about other girls to gauge your reaction or he could be talking about them because he is looking elsewhere because he sees you as just a good friend. If you feel like you really need to know, then perhaps talk to him. Many male and female friendships can get a bit mixed up from time to time, as your biology is telling you something different to your head.

If you have a good friendship then you should be able to bounce back from this, if he doesn’t like you that way. If you leave it any longer then you might continue to develop deeper feelings for him, so it might be wise to nip it in the bud before you fall any more for him.

If he doesn’t want to date you then try not to take this as a knock back, it simply means he values your friendship and try to be thankful that you have a friend who makes you feel so good about yourself with all the positive comments he sends your way.


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