Faith asks :

Hi Lucy,


I am 40 single, poor, and not to fit. Do I have a chance in this life?


Our Reply

Hi Faith,


Everyone has a chance in life, but sometimes you need a little help to be able to see it.


Firstly, money is not everything, you need it to pay the bills, but you can still enjoy life if you don’t have buckets full of the stuff. Try to find cheap and creative things to do with your time. If you enjoy reading go to the local charity shop and pick up some books, take long walks around where you live, have a nice bubble bath, or read your favourite magazine, make up a picnic; all these little things can bring you happiness- you don’t have to be bold an flashy to have a good time!


A lot of people find themselves the older they get- the less insecure they get and the more content they feel in their bodies. You have a wealth of life experience under your belt, so why not use that to your advantage?


If you don’t want to be single then why not sign up to dating site? Or get back in touch with some old friends on Facebook and arrange to meet up with them? You never know what might come of any social experience, so why not take the chance and see what happens?


If you are not fit, then why not look into making your new year’s resolution an opportunity to rectify this? No exercise and a bad diet deprives your body of the two things it needs to kick around those endorphins which make you feel happy. So make some small achievable changes in your lifestyle and stick to them. The more enthusiastic you get then the more willing you will be to increase them and soon you should feel much better!


You have a chance- life are the chances we make for ourselves too, so try to make new opportunities for yourself. 

Lucy x 

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