Maisie asks :

Hi Lucy,

I’m a mature lady who has met a mature man who was widowed 2 years ago! Think he is shy following his long marriage but wants to keep meeting up. He has lots going on...... but basically I want more?????

Our Reply

Hi Maisie,

If he wants to keep meeting up then that is a good sign that things might progress. What do you mean by more? Sex? A relationship? If you want more then perhaps it will take time to get it/ them if he is shy after a long marriage. If he wants to meet up then it looks like there could be something more down the line, however you might have to be patient before making it official.

If you are very forward and tell him you want a lot more than what you have now you might frighten him off. That said, if he is shy then you could be the one who has to make the first move. Maybe start small and work up towards asking him out with some subtle flirtation.

You are meeting up- are these meetings dates? If not then perhaps suggest one. That would put it in the realm of romantic rather than just a friendly encounter.

You say he has lots going on but you still want more- so it seems that these things are not fazing you in your pursuit- perhaps reassure him of this and he might feel more comfortable letting you in a bit more. 

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