Rachel asks :

Hello Lucy,

I am 30 weeks pregnant and I have gained stretch marks and obviously put on weight. I am not huge. But I am about 12-13 stone. I feel like my boyfriend doesn't want sex with me. He would do anal (but I don't like that) but nothing else. I'm worried that he is going off me. He tells me I'm beautiful all the time and that I have an amazing body and he is an amazing boyfriend but I'm scared his just saying it because he knows I feel down about this. And when I question his he just gets annoyed.

Our Reply

Hi Rachel,

Your body is changing and you are not the only one who has to be accepting of that. Stretch marks are something that are unavoidable during pregnancy and should look reduced once you have given birth. You can get lotions to put on also that reduce the appearance of these marks. There has to be an expectation that your body will not be the same as before, however sometimes men are not aware of all the changes that take place, they rely on women to tell them.

It might just be that he is worried about hurting you or the baby considering you are so far on. He might see anal as the only way to have sex that has little risk of affecting you or your child.

Perhaps talk to him about it- and reassure him. If you have not talked about sex in late pregnancy and the pros and cons then he might be under the assumption that it is not recommend or possible to have sex this late on. Being pregnant can cause pain if he enters you too deeply and your breasts might be sore, which can put some women off. It is doctor recommended that the only time to avoid sex during pregnancy is if you are bleeding as this can cause further damage or if your waters have broken as this can cause infections. Positions like spooning are good as it can feel quite uncomfortable to have sex with him on top. Perhaps use it as a means of exploration and you might discover a new position that you enjoy post giving birth! 

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